2005年9月4日 星期日

◆ My PDA

        My brother bought me a PDA when I was in Seattle. The most reason I want a PDA is that I want to install the English-Chinese Dictionary in it. Then I can check every unknown word wherever I go.

        Unfortunately, my brother was so busy during that time, and he can’t install the program for me. Even though I am a graduate student of IM, I don’t know how to maintain a computer by myself. When I was in college, there were so many guys help for me doing such issues. But now I have to take care such unfamiliar technology stuff by myself. I really fell so depressed.

        The night before last day, yama told me to install dictionary on my PDA ASAP. Because the courses already start, I must study hard and understand the important characters during class. I start to find solution for the “Chineselize” of my PDA. Yama found two “Chineselize” programs for me but they must install on the additional memory card. So I bought a 1GB SD memory card. It spends me 105 dollars. So expensive!

        Every time I want to install the program, I feel so tired. And then I turned to doing another things such as access to Internet or take care of my blog. Finally, I complete the “Chineselize” in my PDA this afternoon. Every folder shows Chinese. Looks so familiar! Then I install some Chinese songs into PDA. From now on, my PDA becomes such a technological stuff!

But I can’t find the dictionary program~(cried) The most important event still not done. Oh my god! I really can’t take IM as my career or I will hungry to death!!


PDA給我。我一直都不是個科技人,但吵著要買PDA的原因是,為了在上面灌翻譯機軟體,降子我以後上課或是逛街,就可以隨心所欲的查單字啦!而且PDA跟翻譯機的價錢差不多,還有其他附加的功能,所以我們就買了PalmOne Tungsten E2palm愛用者口中的入門機種。


yama要我儘速的安裝翻譯機到PDA中,他說都已經開學了,不趕快聽懂老師跟課本在說什麼真是太糟糕了,但因為要先把PDA中文化,才有辦法顯示中文,也就是說要先有一張額外的SD卡才行。yama要我不要再繼續survey價錢,立刻去買一張SD Memory Card來安裝。因為都已經花大把鈔票出國讀書了,不必要省這種小錢。遵命!於是乎當晚我立刻在網路上預定好一張1G SD卡,隔天到店取貨。花了我105美金~真貴!




1 則留言:

  1. 放心

